April 26 is the launch date of NEW Wacom Intuos4 pen tablet. People have been waiting for this new tablet for a long long time. Because the launch date of Intuos3 was more than 3 years ago.
This Intuos4 is a Medium size model, the working area is about 6"x9". New Intuos4 comes with 8 express keys and a multi function touch ring. the most advanced tech for Intuos4 is the 2048 level pressure sensitivity. I also love the OLED display which can show my express key setting. For more info, please check Wacom.
Welcome to my blog! I like to tell stories with images. Hope you enjoy these photos! 歡迎光臨我的部落格,我喜歡用影像說故事,希望你喜歡。為什麼內文用英文? 因為.....我懶....
March 27, 2009
March 6, 2009
Shengshin Train Station is located in Miaoli county, Taiwan. It is the highest point of Taiwan railway system, about 402.326 meters above sea level. Due to route changed, the last train denatured from Shengshin Train Station was on 23 September 1998. After that, Shengshin Train Station became a train station without any arriving train. Today it becomes a popular tourist site because of well maintained train station, railways and old style Hakka atmosphere.
Near Shengshin Train Station, there is another famous site which is Remains of Longteng Bridge. It is also a part of Taiwan railway history. This bridge was damaged twice by earthquakes. Now it is displayed as a memorial for the 921 Earthquake
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