January 2, 2011


2011 Taipei International Flora Exposition / 台北國際花卉博覽會
2011 Taipei International Flora Exposition / 台北國際花卉博覽會
2011 Taipei International Flora Exposition / 台北國際花卉博覽會
2011 Taipei International Flora Exposition / 台北國際花卉博覽會

On the last day of year 2010, I visited 2011 Taipei International Flora Exposition. I am not an expert or enthusiast of flowers, so I did not get in the long line for those fancy exhibition halls. I just enjoyed walking under the beautiful winter sunshine to visit those outdoor exhibition areas one by one.

Some people blame it too costly, and some criticize it not well organized. For me, it is an international event in Taipei and a precious big beautiful green area which I should not miss it. I wish all these beautiful garden will still be well maintained after the expo.

Photos of Flora Expo.

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